Quilibet Sacerdos, ex concessione Leonis XIII sub die 20 Dec. 1884, lucrari potest Indulgentiam unius anni, si post Missam celebratam, dicto Cantico trium Puerorum et Psalmo 150 cum adnexa Antiphona, Versiculis et Orémus, item ut infra, recitet Orationem S. Thomæ Aquinatis Gratias tibi ago, et Orationem S. Bonaventuræ Transfíge.
Ant. Trium puerórum * cantémus hymnum, quem cantábant Sancti in camíno ignis, benedicéntes Dóminum. (T. P. Allelúja.)
Quæ Antiphona in Duplicibus tantum duplicatur.
Canticum trium Puerorum
Dan. 3, 57-88 et 56
Benedícite, ómnia ópera Dómini, Dómino: * laudáte et superexaltáte eum in sæcula.
Benedícite, Angeli Dómini, Dómino: * benedícite, cæli, Dómino.
Benedícite, aquæ omnes, quæ super cælos sunt, Dómino: * benedícite, omnes virtútes Dómini, Dómino.
Benedícite, sol et luna, Dómino: * benedícite, stellæ cæli, Dómino.
Benedícite, omnis imber et ros, Dómino: * benedícite, omnes spíritus Dei, Dómino.
Benedícite, ignis et æstus, Dómino: * benedícite, frigus et æstus. Dómino.
Benedícite, rores et pruína, Dómino: * benedícite, gelu et frigus, Dómino.
Benedícite, glácies et nives, Dómino: * benedícite, noctes et dies, Dómino:
Benedícite, lux et ténebræ, Dómino: * benedícite, fúlgura et nubes, Dómino.
Benedícat terra Dóminum: * laudet et superexáltet eum in sæcula.
Benedícite, montes et colles, Dómino: * benedícite, univérsa germinántia in terra, Dómino.
Benedícite, fontes, Dómino: * benedícite, mária et flúmina, Dómino.
Benedícite, cete, et ómnia, quæ movéntur in aquis, Dómino: benedícite, omnes vólucres cæli, Dómino.
Benedícite, omnes béstiæ et pécora, Dómino: * benedícite, fílii hóminum, Dómino.
Benedícat Israël Dóminum: * laudet et superexáltet eum in sæcula.
Benedícite, sacerdótes Dómini, Dómino: * benedícite, servi Dómini, Dómino.
Benedícite, spíritus, et ánimæ justórum, Dómino: * benedícite, sancti, et húmiles corde, Dómino.
Benedícite, Ananía, Azaría, Mísaël, Dómino: * laudáte et superexaltáte eum in sæcula.
Benedicámus Patrem et Fílium cum Sancto Spíritu: * laudémus et superexaltémus eum in sæcula.
Benedíctus es, Dómine, in firmaménto cæli: * et laudábilis, et gloriósus, et superexaltátus in sæcula.
Hic non dicitur Glória Patri, neque Amen,
Psalmus 150
Laudáte Dóminum in sanctis ejus: * laudáte eum in firmaménto virtútis ejus.
Laudáte eum in virtútibus ejus: * laudáte eum secúndum multitúdinem magnitúdinis ejus.
Laudáte eum in sono tubæ: * laudáte eum in psaltério, et cíthara.
Laudáte eum in týmpano, et choro: * laudáte eum in chordis, et órgano.
Laudáte eum in cýmbalis benesonántibus: laudáte eum in cýmbalis jubilatiónis: * omnis spíritus laudet Dóminum.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Trium puerórum cantémus hymnum, quem cantábant Sancti in camíno ignis, benedicéntes Dóminum. (Allelúja.)
Postea Sacerdos dicit:
Kýrie, eléison. Christe, eléison. Kýrie, eléison.
Pater noster, qui es in cælis. Sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.
R. Sed líbera nos a malo.
V. Confiteántur tibi, Dómine, ómnia ópera tua.
R. Et Sancti tui benedícant tibi.
V. Exsultábunt Sancti in glória.
R. Lætabúntur in cubílibus suis.
V. Non nobis, Dómine, non nobis.
R. Sed nómini tuo da glóriam.
V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Deus, qui tribus púeris mitigásti flammas ígnium: concéde propítius; ut nos fámulos tuos non exúrat flamma vitiórum. Actiónes nostras, quǽsumus, Dómine, aspirándo prævéni et adjuvándo proséquere: ut cuncta nostra orátio et operátio a te semper incípiat, et per te cœpta finiátur.
Da nobis, quǽsumus, Dómine, vitiórum nostrórum flammas exstínguere: qui beáto Lauréntio tribuísti tormentórum suórum incéndia superáre. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum.
R. Amen.
Oratio S. Thomæ Aquinatis
Grátias tibi ago, Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus, qui me peccatórem, indígnum fámulum tuum, nullis meis méritis, sed sola dignatióne misericórdiæ tuæ satiáre dignátus es pretióso Córpore et Sánguine Fílii tui, Dómini nostri Jesu Christi. Et precor, ut hæc sancta commúnio non sit mihi reátus ad pœnam, sed intercéssio salutáris ad véniam. Sit mihi armatúra fídei et scutum bonæ voluntátis. Sit vitiórum meórum evacuátio, concupiscéntiæ et libídinis exterminátio, caritátis et patiéntiæ, humilitátis et obœdiéntiæ, omniúmque virtútum augmentátio: contra insídias inimicórum ómnium, tam visibílium quam invisibílium, firma defénsio: mótuum meórum, tam carnálium quam spiritálium, perfécta quietátio: in te uno ac vero Deo firma adhǽsio; atque finis mei felix consummátio. Et precor te, ut ad illud ineffábile convívium me peccatórem perdúcere dignéris, ubi tu cum Fílio tuo et Spíritu Sancto Sanctis tuis es lux vera, satíetas plena, gáudium sempitérnum, jucúnditas consummáta et felícitas perfécta. Per eúndem Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
Oratio S. Bonaventuræ
Transfíge, dulcíssime Dómine Jesu, medúllas et víscera ánimæ meæ suavíssimo ac salubérrimo amóris tui vúlnere, vera serenáque et apostólica sanctíssima caritáte, ut lángueat et liquefíat ánima mea solo semper amóre et desidério tui; te concupíscat et defíciat in átria tua, cúpiat dissólvi et esse tecum. Da, ut ánima mea te esúriat, panem Angelórum, refectiónem animárum sanctárum, panem nostrum cotidiánum, supersubstantiálem, habéntem omnem dulcédinem et sapórem et omne delectaméntum suavitátis. Te, in quem desíderant Angeli prospícere, semper esúriat et comédat cor meum, et dulcédine sapóris tui repleántur víscera ánimæ meæ; te semper sítiat fontem vitæ, fontem sapiéntiæ et sciéntiæ, fontem ætérni lúminis, torréntem voluptátis, ubertátem domus Dei. Te semper ámbiat, te quærat, te invéniat, ad te tendat, ad te pervéniat, te meditétur, te loquátur, et ómnia operétur in laudem et glóriam nóminis tui, cum humilitáte et discretióne, cum dilectióne et delectatióne, cum facilitáte et afféctu, cum perseverántia usque in finem; ut tu sis solus semper spes mea, tota fidúcia mea, divítiæ meæ, delectátio mea, jucúnditas mea, gáudium meum, quies et tranquíllitas mea, pax mea, suávitas mea, odor meus, dulcédo mea, cibus meus, reféctio mea, refúgium meum, auxílium meum, sapiéntia mea, portio mea, posséssio mea, thesáurus meus, in quo fixa et firma et immobíliter semper sit radicáta mens mea et cor meum. Amen.
Rhythmus S. Thomæ Aquinatis
Indulgentia 100 dierum semel in die Leo PP. XIII, 20 Dec. 1884
Adóro te devóte, latens Déitas,
Quæ sub his figúris vere látitas:
Tibi se cor meum totum súbjicit,
Quia, te contémplans, totum déficit.
Visus, tactus, gustus in te fállitur,
Sed audítu solo tuto créditur:
Credo, quidquid dixit Dei Fílius,
Nil hoc verbo Veritátis vérius.
In Cruce latébat sola Déitas,
At hic latet simul et humánitas;
Ambo tamen credens atque cónfitens,
Peto, quod petívit latro pænitens.
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intúeor,
Deum tamen meum te confíteor:
Fac me tibi semper magis crédere,
In te spem habére, te dilígere.
O memoriále mortis Dómini,
Panis vivus, vitam præstans hómini,
Præsta meæ menti de te vívere,
Et te illi semper dulce sápere.
Pie pellicáne, Jesu Dómine,
Me immúndum munda tuo Sánguine,
Cujus una stilla salvum fácere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scélere.
Jesu, quem velátum nunc aspício,
Oro, fiat illud, quod tam sítio:
Ut, te reveláta cernens fácie,
Visu sim beátus tuæ glóriæ.
Thanksgiving after Mass
Pope Leo XIII on the 20th of December 1884, allowed a one year indulgence for any priest saying the Canticle Tres pueri, Psalm 150 and the accompanied antiphons, versicles and prayers, and the prayers of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Bonaventure as below.
Ant. Let us sing the hymn of the three children * which these holy ones sang of old in the fiery furnace, giving praise to the Lord. (Alleluia.)
The antiphon is only duplicated on feasts of double rite.
Canticum trium Puerorum
Dan. 3, 57-88 et 56
All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord: * praise and exalt him above all for ever.
O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: * O ye heavens, bless the Lord:
O all ye waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord: * O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the Lord
O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: * O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord.
O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: * O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord.
O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: * O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord.
O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord: * O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord.
O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: * O ye nights and days, bless the Lord.
O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord: * O ye lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord.
O let the earth bless the Lord: * let it praise and exalt him above all for ever.
O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord: * O all ye things that spring up in the earth, bless the Lord.
O ye fountains, bless the Lord: * O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord.
O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord: * O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord.
O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: * O ye sons of men, bless the Lord.
O let Israel bless the Lord: * let them praise and exalt him above all for ever.
O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: * O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord.
O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: * O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the Lord.
O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the Lord: * praise and exalt him above all for ever.
Let us bless the Father and the Son, with the Holy Ghost; * let us praise and exalt him above all for ever.
Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven: * and worthy of praise, and glorious for ever.
Neither Glory Be nor Amen here
Psalm 150
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places: * praise ye him in the firmament of his power.
Praise ye him for his mighty acts: * praise ye him according to the multitude of his greatness.
Praise him with sound of trumpet: * praise him with psaltery and harp.
Praise him with timbrel and choir: * praise him with strings and organs.
Praise him on high sounding cymbals: praise him on cymbals of joy: * let every spirit praise the Lord.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Let us sing the hymn of the three children * which these holy ones sang of old in the fiery furnace, giving praise to the Lord. (Alleluia.)
Lord have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation: v. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
V. Let all your works praise you. Lord.
R. And let your saints bless you.
V. Your saints shall rejoice in glory.
R. They shall rejoice in their resting place.
V. Not unto us, Lord, nor unto us,
R. But unto your name give glory.
V. O Lord. hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto you.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
God, who allayed the flames of fire for three children, grant in your mercy that the flame of vice may not consume us, your servants. Direct, we beseech thee, Lord our actions by your inspirations and further them by your assistance, so that every word and work of ours may begin always from you and by you be likewise ended.
Quench in us, we beseech you, Lord, the flame of vice, even us you enabled blessed Lawrence to overcome his fire of sufferings. Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas
I thank you, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, who deigned to feast me, sinful and unworthy servant, with the precious body and blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, not for any merit of mine, but only because of your merciful goodness. And I pray that this Holy Communion, far from condemning me to punishment, may bring about my pardon and salvation, encompassing me with the armor of faith and the shield of a good will. By it let my vices be done away, all lustful desires extinguished. May it advance me in charity, patience, humility, obedience, and every other virtue. Let it be strong defense against the wiles of all my enemies, visible and invisible, allaying for me every disturbance of flesh and spirit, binding me firmly to you, the one true God, and bringing my last hour to a happy close. I pray, too, that it may be your pleasure to call my sinful self one day to that banquet, wonderful past all telling, where you, with your Son and the Holy Spirit, feast your saints with the vision of yourself, who are true light, the fulfillment of all desires, the joy that knows no ending, gladness unalloyed, and perfect bliss: through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer of S. Bonaventure
O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, I implore Thee, pierce the very marrow of my soul with the delightful, health-giving dart of Thy love, with true, tranquil, holy, apostolic charity, so that my whole soul may ever languish and faint for love of Thee and for desire of Thee alone. May it long and pine for Thy courts; may it ever desire to be dissolved and to be with Thee. Grant that my soul may hunger for Thee, Who art the bread of angels, the comforting nourishment of all holy souls, our daily and most delectable bread, our supersubstantial bread, in which is found every sweet delight. May my heart ever hunger for Thee, on whom the angels lovingly gaze; may it feed on Thee; and may the innermost depths of my being be filled with the sweetness which comes from having tasted Thee. May my soul ever thirst for Thee, Who art the source of life, the fount of wisdom and knowledge, the brightness of everlasting light, the flood of all true happiness, the riches of the house of God. May I at all times think of Thee; may I ever seek Thee and ever find Thee; may I always follow thee and reach Thee; may Thy holy name be in my heart and on my lips; and to Thy praise and glory may every work of mine be done. Humble and discreet, loving and happy, ever ready and cheerful in Thy service, may I persevere, by Thy grace, even unto the end. Be Thou alone and evermore my hope; be Thou all my trust; be Thou my wealth, my delight, my joy, my consolation, my rest, my endless peace. Be Thou to me as a goodly taste, as a pleasant perfume, as a soothing sweetness. Be Thou my food and my refreshment; my refuge and my help; my wisdom; my portion, mine own possession and my treasure. In Thee, O Lord, may my mind and my heart remain fixed and firm, and rooted immovably for evermore. Amen.
Hymn of St. Thomas Aquinas
Indulgence 100 days daily by Leo PP. XIII, 20 Dec. 1884
1. Godhead here in hiding, whom I do adore,
Masked by these bare shadows, shape and nothing more,
See, Lord, at thy service low lies here a heart
Lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art.
2. Seeing, touching, tasting are in thee deceived:
How says trusty hearing? that shall be believed;
What God's Son has told me, take for truth I do;
Truth himself speaks truly or there's nothing true.
3. On the cross thy godhead made no sign to men,
Here thy very manhood steals from human ken:
Both are my confession, both are my belief,
And I pray the prayer of the dying thief.
4. I am not like Thomas, wounds I cannot see,
But can plainly call thee Lord and God as he;
Let me to a deeper faith daily nearer move,
Daily make me harder hope and dearer love.
5. O thou our reminder of Christ crucified,
Living Bread, the life of us for whom he died,
Lend this life to me then: feed and feast my mind,
There be thou the sweetness man was meant to find.
6. Bring the tender tale true of the Pelican;
Bathe me, Jesu Lord, in what thy bosom ran---
Blood whereof a single drop has power to win
All the world forgiveness of its world of sin.
7. Jesu, whom I look at shrouded here below,
I beseech thee send me what I thirst for so,
Some day to gaze on thee face to face in light
And be blest for ever with thy glory's sight.